The Organisations Council is a forum for leaders of the philanthropy sector to come together and discuss collectively how their organisations can support growth in philanthropy. Our members meet quarterly to share information, form collaborations and support projects that will enhance the reach and effectiveness of philanthropy.

The Organisations Council has a Strategic Communications’ sub-group formed of the communications experts from the partner organisations who discuss how to amplify each other’s messages and to create strategic campaigns that benefit all.

uk community foundations

UK Community Foundations

Organisations' Council member

pro bono economics

Pro Bono Economics

Organisations' Council Member

environmental funders network

Environmental Funders Network

Organisations' Council Member


Organisations Council Member

Association of Charitable Foundations

Organisations Council Member

Andrew Watt

Organisations Council Member

Barclays Private Bank

Organisations Council Member

Big Society Capital

Organisations Council Member

The Philanthropy Workshop

Organisations Council Member